Thursday, November 04, 2004

A Zen Buddhist Moment

Same lesson as yesterday; life goes on.


So I awoke this morning to find my laptop stolen. The machine, the bag, the cords for my camera, all gone. The thieves were nice enough to leave my voltage adapter, so I can still use my curling iron. On a positive note, this thievery did NOT happen while I was in my room. It probably quite easily ocurred while I was out as my room is closest to our front door and my roommates often leave the door propped open so their friends in the building can pop in and out...frowny face. Thus it must have happened before I strolled in at 11 last night, but in my dash for my heavenly bed, I missed missing my precious.

But let me back up and recount last night"s events first (must use " for apostrophe as this is my Italian roommate"s laptop I am using and there"s no apostrophe...). The date went well, albeit, with unexpected results. Mom, you"re either going to crack up or kill me. We talked much and I kept getting frustrated at my inability to clearly express my thoughts on life and politics in Spanish, which was frustrated further by the fact that Ridouan kept asking huge questions like, "What do you think of love?" @?! Either way, we had a good hour-and-a-half-long chat over orange juice in Placa Reial as we waited for my friends to show up so we could celebrate the return of Timo from the UK and his bday, which was also yesterday. Unexpected results came when Ridouan expressed interest in having a serious relationship with me, after I had already explained (in response to his crazy questions) that I was not in a relationship kinda mood this year. So I repeated and he accepted with the suggestion that with time, maybe we would be a couple.... Maybe, dude. Anyway, this conversation did not stop us from sharing a few minutes of kissing in the Placa. Did I mention that Ridouan"s 30?

So with this bizarre turn of events swimming in my brain, coupled with happy friend feelings due to Timo"s return, I was in no highly observant state upon my return home.

This robbery comes at the least convenient time, as I use my computer for everything job related: resume crafting, internet ads, communicating with students and employers. Not to mention, my baby had all my music and PICTURES on it. And my camera is like useless without its cord and software....

So, after I realized that baby wasn"t coming back I had a cup of tea, or a brew as the Brits have taught me to call it, in order to clear my head. I also ate a whole bagget and half a jar of Nutella and called Oliver, who everyone at home should send happy thoughts to for being the best friend ever.

As I pondered, I remembered that people all over the world live without laptops every day and have for centuries and that happily, my resume and letter of rec were saved in my email in both Word and PDF formats. Then, to my hilarity, someone in the flat above mine began playing the accordian, providing a fine Godfather-esque depressing soundtrack for my grey thoughts. I had to laugh, and then I felt a little better. Then, I laughed harder at the fact that someone had unknowingly taken time out of their day to provide a background track for the shallow worries of a grease ball, acne-faced, pajama-clad, 30-year-old-Moroccon-man-kissing American girl drinking a brew in memory of her laptop in a cold Spanish family room.

So, whatev. I"ll talk to my roommates when they get home, talk to the landlord, try to find out if my laptop insurance will cover this mess (which will be made infinitely difficult as the policy was in the laptop bag that was stolen), and then I"ll go to my interview tomorrow, and then to my intercambio, and life will go on in it"s funny special way.... "


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