Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Worst Blog Entry Ever

Real World, here I come.....after a brief detour into Road Trip Village....


So this is going to be the worst blog entry ever. Why? I realized that in writing about all the big things in essay format, I've left out some of the minor things that crop up. So stop reading right now if you're easily bored. If you are, however, deeply invested in my well being (e.g. you are my mom or dad), all of this will be thrilling...or at least reassuring. So read on dear reader, especially if you are an insomniac.

1. The documentary
So I never told y'all how the documentary thing panned out with my landlord's cousin. Bottom line, it was a big hassle and now I get to go see some movies for free. I went over to help this chick two weeks ago, after 12 hours at school, and then transcribed until 3am and then went back two days later and finished up in 3 hours. Basically, this girl Almuveda often takes on the translation of English documentaries into Spanish for extra cash. This time, she was in way over her head, as she chose one about Blues singers in the the Deep South of the good 'ol USA. I could hardly understand these guys....and this film was 70 minutes the math.....yipe. The film was awesome, though, and I'm going to the film festival that it was for this weekend. We're going to check out a film on Bollywood and then one on music from Mali, and my admission is free, and I've made a new friend, so what the hell?

2. Pavel
Ah, Pavel, my Chilean roommate. I think he thought I hated him. Thing is, I can communicate in Spanish, but sometimes I just can't express myself worth a damn. Oft times I'll be passing by his room or by him and just won't be able to think of something quick to I end up making this face like I'm going to say something and then just freak out, look the other way and run (slowly). This is unfortnate as Pavel is really cool. We have had a few great conversations about world affairs and whatnot and he's really nice, but this girl just can't work the Spanish sometimes and Pavel doesn't speak a lick of English. But alas, all is well as I broke the ice the other day, offered the olive branch, etc. etc. by asking if he and his study buddies needed anything when I was going to grab a study break coffee. His whole face lit up as he realized I didn't hate him. So now that Pavel doesn't think that I think he is a big evil ogre, he has begun being ridiculously sweet to me. He actually came into my room and checked out my new clothes and called my new sweater "bonito." It was hilarious; I laughed, he laughed, we laughed.

3. Roommate dinners
So last week I cooked all the roommates stuffed peppers, proving that American cuisine doesn't altogether suck. They loved it. I had made 2 huge pans of it and Pavel commented that "it's no wonder gringos get ahead at everything, because they always have so much to eat." Yup, that's the reason.
It was also very adorable because when I came home from class at 10 and started cooking, they had all set out "tapas" like dried fruit and nuts and cheese (you avid blog readers may recall that these same nuts would come to be my dinner 1 week later). Additionally, our landlord Roger, who lives across the hall, came over and made Sangria. Altogether it was a success and this week, the French roommates will be serving up a French suprise. Holla!

I have firmly told the real world to hold off for one more week. I looked up some van rental prices online and we're all good. For only $660, £365, or €525, 7 of us are officially road tripping to Valencia and then Granada over 5 days next week. Resumé THAT, job market!


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