Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Boring job update

Life goes on.


Yeah, Kerry conceded. Here we go again; let's just not lose the energy and action we rediscovered and let's keep trying to get to know our fellow Americans, k? That's 2 cents from the hypocritical expatriot peanut gallery.....


So, I'm disheveled and sleep-deprived, but I have received a few calls and emails about private language lessons from the ads I posted on some BCN websites. These calls were quite interesting as many of them came in today while I was sleeping off the all-night election vigil...although my Spanish is way better when I'm knackered, so cheers I guess. Either way, I have a few "free consultations" set up where I'll get to know my potential pupils, figure out why they want to learn and what so I can plan a course of lessons for them individually. Quality.

Additionally, SCORE! I have an interview this Friday at 11am with a firm here in BCN. They saw my ad and emailed ME. And what do they want me to teach? A course on the English of Transportation Management, of course. How perfect, my specialty, right? Whatev, this seems to be the trend here; everyone gets stuck teaching business English, or if they're lucky, like Kelly, they end up teaching a room full of 6-year-olds who know nothing of the language.

In either case, it would be great if this job panned out. Right now it'd only a few hours a week but I would have my own course and it would begin next week and run to July (with a break from 22 Dec to 10 Jan - U.S.A. here I come), so it would be steady work and I could probably pick up more hours for January, as well as offset with private lessons. They also seemed pretty interested in me (desperate) as they accepted my wage offer and emailed me right back about the interview after I expressed interest at their expressing interest in me....yeah.

Only thing I'm wondering they want me to teach this class in Spanish? See, my ad was in Spanish, and all the emails we've sent each other were in Spanish...and the name of the firm is in Catalán. While my lingual capabilities improve daily, and while these people know that I am American, I think they will quickly find out in my interview (which better damn well be in English) how big of a FOREIGNER I am. Of course, I surprise myself daily with things I didn't know I could do before, so, maybe we'll add this to the list....or maybe they'll just have me teach in English like the Tefl and Berlitz gods have decreed.

Dios mio...

P.S. - My date is still on for tonight. T-minus 2 hours.


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