Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Your readership has been invaluable to Angela.


The time has come, for the time being at least, to lay this blog to rest.

Life has fallen into a routine, and while I vary the order in which I plan lessons, give lessons, read the newspaper, intercambio, play frisbee, watch DVDs, etc., these changes are not really the stuff you want to hear about.

While you may have enjoyed "communing" with me via this blog, please be aware that you can commune with the real Angela in person in just a few weeks, if that's a prospect that interests you. I'll be home from December 20th until January 6th, so drop me an email if you'd like to chat. After that, I'll be back in Spain until at least July 11th, which is when my next return ticket is for. I don't know if that will be just a visit or a longer stay in the US.

Additionally, thanks for reading this blog. I know that writing it and reading the emails y'all would send was really important for me. It helped to process and make light of some things that were pretty trying or thought-provoking. As fun as this whole Spain thing has been, it has also been pretty challenging and altering. But as I said, life is stabilizing.

Come January, life here may be considerably different, so I may need the processing power of this blog (and all of you!) once more (not that I don't continue to rely on all of you in the meantime!). So if you like, check back then and maybe we'll be blogtastic together once more.

With that, I say thanks much and good luck in all your own endeavours, in which you most assuredly have my reciprocal support.

Saludos -


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