Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Homes named for sewing equipment

Man I love England. Sorry to support imperialists, but I'm beginning to think maybe we should just let the beefeaters colonize everyone (including us!) since they and their country are just so cool.

Take addresses for example. Addresses are just numbers that help you track down a location, right? WRONG! In England, well, at least in Surrey and Oxfordshire, many homes are well old and have their own name. Oliver's house is called "Buckleigh House." Very vintage.

The best ever, though, is Matt's relatives' home. He's applying to this summer TEFL course in the UK and needed to pretend he lives in Oxford in order to get some funding, so he used their address. I kid you not, it is:
Thimble Cottage
Dark Lane
Oxford, UK


I found that so funny that I drew a picture of what I thought the house might look like.


On a different note, many travels and visitors coming up! Here's the list:

March 11-17:
My brother Sam (a.k.a. Samuelito con queso) visits me!!!! We're going clubbin and mountain no particular order!
March 22-27:
Skiing in Andorra (a tiny country between Spain and France) with Oli and his parents. Woot! I'm gonna enroll in some ski lessons while I'm there.....bruises, here I come!
March 30-April 3
Off to Paris to see my old roomie Virginie and experience being in a country where I really don't speak the language, without a guide (Virgi has to work during the days...but at night they'll be no stopping us).
April 13-18
Miss Vicki (a.k.a. Victoria Kost) comes to visit me!!!! Can we say "insurmountable fun"?

It's hard to believe I even work....which I do, and somehow manage to save money in the process (?) and really like what I do (usually). I love you TEFL.


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