Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Lacking Mutual Understanding

A quick note:

Every day on my way to work I pass a tall building with the company name "MUTUAL CYCLOPS" displayed in giant light-up letters. This logo always forces myriad question into my overactive brain:

1. Which cyclops?
2. Are we talking about an easy-going cyclops who thereby generally experiences mutual feelings with everyone he meets?
3. Or is the cyclops a sheep who is mutual because he can't come up with his own opinions?
4. Did someone really think that naming a company after a vision/perspective-impaired ogre would create that "just-right" customer appeal?
5. Was there a board meeting held to choose the name?
6. Did anyone who was a native English speaker attend this meeting?
7. Were they pleased with the name? Did they high five each other at the end of the meeting?

Take a moment and ponder and your own questions will arise, grasshopper.


Blogger Unknown said...

Marty, that was so funny, I had to post a comment on my own blog and compliment you. Physics comedians the world over should revere you. ~

February 25, 2005 at 2:29 PM  

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